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 Futbol para prescolares
 Futbol para prescolares
Children. of both genders over five years old are welcome in our school to start learning football. They begin acquiring the basis of this sport with a recreational approach.
Futbol para niños
Futbol para niños
Children above ten years of age receive a basic training on the technical aspects of this sport while also enjoying socialization activities aimed to encourage the development of personal and social values. 
Futbol para jovenes
Futbol para jovenes
With an increased time requirement, teenagers receive a more profound technical and physical training to help them maximize their potential and acquire the necessary discipline to become a football player. 
Futbol  pára adultos  
Futbol  pára adultos  
We also offer Senior Football classes for adults willing to enjoy this extensive sportive practice. To have fun, stay healthy, improve physical conditions and make friends, our classes for adults are suitable for experienced or/and inexperienced football lovers.  

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¿Por que el futbol?


El futbol trae excelentes beneficios,despues de la practica genera una liberacion de estres, lo que te hace sentir mas relajado ademas que la practica conlleva a ejercitar tu cuerpo. 

El futbol promueve muchos valores  como el trabajo en equipo, comunicacion,liderazgo,confianza, ademas de que ayuda a establecer metas y mejorar dia con dia en este tipo de actividades

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El secreto de los Siete Sellos - Documental

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They begin acquiring the basis of this sport with a recreational approach.
Special offer: By enrolling two kids, the second one will obtain a 30% discount on our monthly fees.  
Senior Football classes
We offer Senior Football classes for adults, men and women. Couples attending classes together
wil obtain a 30% discount.
Couples attending classes together wil obtain a 30% discount. 
evaluacion de nutricion especifica
Our licensed nutritionist can evaluate and create a tailored diet plan considering the particular characteristics, age, and nutritional requirements of our football players. 
First consultation, nutritional plan design is free, and we offer a 50% discount for those hiring weekly follow up evaluation.
Special Offer

We offer Senior Football classes for adults willing to enjoy this extensive sportive practice. And, since our football school also promotes family values, we offer to the parents of our students who want to accompany their kids in the practice and enjoyment of football a 50% discount on our regular monthly fees.  

Full List of Services 

Football School For Kids

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Download our complete catalog and find out all the courses we offer for children of all ages, as well as their prices and schedules.


Understanding Football

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If you want to have a deep knowledge on Football, download our free eBook, and learn all the rules of the most popular sport in the world. We include a special chapter on the origins of football and its evolution till our days.


Additional Services

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Besides our football classes, we provide a wide range of additional services in order to ensure the holistic formation and development of all our school members.
